Mic wrote:
: John F wrote:
: Mic wrote:
: : The following are a result of some of my research, some are redundant
: : most are not. I look forward to some of these making it to my
: : "favorite" sailing index pages;}
: snip
: As per Rex's preceding reply, thanks for the links.
: Do you have links to sites that match up boats that
: need crew with people who want to crew? I can't seem
: to google them up. Thanks again,
: Try
: sailboat crew listing On google
: John F Try lats&att, Renegade Cruisers, Sailing Anarchy among others.
Thanks a lot for the hints, guys. Google's list at
indeed has lots of links, including
which is the one I'd been trying to remember.
John Forkosh ( mailto:
where j=john and f=forkosh )