Licensing alternative
I'm a licensed USCG captain and ASA instructor. Having said that, any
license that is required for boating on anything other then inland
waterways is easy to shoot down and should be shot point blank. I am
not familiar with what you are referring to and I am not in your area
for ease or will to find out but if you don't like the law, remember
that you can do something about it. If you don't you'll end up like
the lazy fools in south Florida that sat on their collective fat asses
and did nothing while illegal anchoring laws went into effect all over
the state.
Maritime law is locked into place by international treaty and no state
can override the law just because they pass a local BS law. Case in
point is the guy that was anchored out by Estero Island near Fort
Myers. The local socialist republic of Fort Myers (heavily fortified by
old, decrepit, bored and retired New Yorkers) decided to put up a
mooring ball field. No one did anything about it. There was a passage
of a law and even (supposedly) a signoff from the federal secretary of
transportation. The guy refused to move his boat from the now forbidden
zone. Local law reproachment towed his boat. He sued and won. By the
way, he was in Inland water.
Maritime law dates back 4,000 to 5,000 years - Noah probably sailed
by them! It is international and is a major body of sovereign law that
all boaters should be aware of. Your rights are only yours if you claim
them and protect them. People forget that freedom isn't free. I know
most northerners are real big on liberal heart bleeding government but
has never taken more then 10% of any population to win any revolution
against any government in all history. You're only dealing with a few
laws so stand up and burn them down.
Self responsibly may be unfashionable but it still works better then
anything else.