"Roger Long" wrote in message
"Dave" wrote
Because I still have to fix the hole the idiot made in the port
side of my boat. Besides, how do you suspend a right with out a
license to take away? Do you issue a piece of paper that says
the person is not permitted to operate a vessel? Do the boating
police then board and say, "We want to check if you have an
operation suspension certificate, please show it to us?"
I've mentioned before, but do you have compulsory third party
insurance in some or all states for certain classes of vessels?
Europe (excepting UK) has, and also the insurers run a common
database to check the 'no claims' history of clients. Anywhere in
Europe you're likely to be asked for your certificate of
insurance, and in many countries, if you have an accident giving
rise to a claim and you're not insured, you've lost your boat!
Leave it to the insurers if they want to give discounts to people
who've taken courses or got qualifications.
Any legs in this as a method of policing behaviour?
for opinions comparing Greek cruising areas - N Spain recently