Licensing alternative
Thomas Wentworth wrote:
Roger, if boat licensing ever comes to my sailing grounds, I am leaving the
USA. I've about had it with this F'n country as it is ,,,, this will just
be the last straw.
The USA .. can't control the millions of illegals who have invaded us ..
gives away millions of dollars to some stinking pit like Iraq,,,, we are
fighting wars in 2 or 3 countries ,, we are being taxed off the planet ,,,
can't buy a house because it cost too much ,,, our public schools suck ,,,,
the politicians are corrupt ...
And now you want to give some fat, dumb, related to the politician,,,
asshole the right to stop me on the high seas so he can decide if I'm
That is it for me ... you won't be seeing me in the USA ... good bye.
One good thing about the world,,, lots of water...
I hope your happy.. Communist.
Anyone care?