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Thomas Wentworth wrote:
Oh I see ,,, like the Border Patrol!
Or the Drug Enforcement Authority?
How dumb of me ,, of course..
I always thought sailors were self sufficient ,, people who set out on the
ocean for adventure ,, risk takers ,,,
Not on this newsgroup.. nope... the government loving, uncle sam will save
me crowd is here..
What a bunch of losers. And to think I actually thought some of you might
be worth a tally ho...
I would not want you near my boat. A bunch of cry babies, you need the
government to tell you what to do, when to do it, and you even want a
You make me sick!
Sailors? That is a joke... most of you government will save me liberal
weenies aren't deserving of the term.
Yea yea! And you'd be the first one crying his eyes out for the Coast
Guard to save you when (not if) you get into trouble a couple miles