Licensing alternative
Hey Bob ,,, your the "government" ? What a joke. The "government" is
bought and paid for... ka ching
Turn on your tv, take a look.. That is your country that is being invaded by
people who don't even care that there is a BORDER... do you see any
Government stopping them?
You aren't going to fire or retain anyone ... over 90% of the incumbent
Congressmen will be re-elected. Why? Because they have the money to get
re-elected.. and where does that money come from? The big corporations who
run the USA..
This is why I can't believe anybody in his right mind would want to impose a
license on themselves as a sailor..
The money for the license is going to go to the same corrupt politicians
that all the other tax money goes to ..
Totally CRAZY.. this is totally CRAZY..
I spoke to a sailor the other day who keeps his boat in the Bahama's... he
said he never looks back.. he said the USA and its taxes, corruption, anti
boating rules and laws ... made him go offshore..
He isn't sailing back to the USA ... in fact he is buying another boat to
sail further away from this corrupt ******** we call the USA.
What once was the greatest country on earth is becoming the next third world
And you want sailors to get licenses ,,,,
Holy **** ,,, I can't even begin to believe this one.
"Bob" wrote in message
Thomas Wentworth wrote:
I always thought sailors were self sufficient ,, people who set out on
ocean for adventure ,, risk takers ,,,
Nope. Some of do it for an enjoyable way to make a living.
I would not want you near my boat. A bunch of cry babies, you need the
government to tell you what to do, when to do it, and you even want a
You make me sick!
You seem to forget that we/you/I are the government.................
And come a few months it will be time to fire or retain the the current