Licensing alternative
Hey Dave ,,, you left one group out ;;; YOU, the taxpayer and FEE's payer.
Just take a moment to consider what and where the license money that
Commodore Long is so willing to throw away is going to go.
Boating safety? Nope.
Safe boating classes? Nope ,, take a look at the tobacco money.
Better harbors,, ? Nope
The money is going to go in some big fat ass's pocket.
But sheep like Commodore Long can't wait to give their money away. The
Commodore has been contoled for so long ( ????? ) that he can't think for
himself. He needs someone to say "you can't go out today".
I wonder if he wears the jacket with the epaulet... his boat should be named
"Gilbert and Sullivan".
"Dave" wrote in message
On Mon, 10 Apr 2006 14:22:02 GMT, "Thomas Wentworth"
Because they have the money to get
re-elected.. and where does that money come from? The big corporations
And the trial lawyers, and Hollywood, and the George Soroses and the
teachers' unions and the government employees' unions and the AFL-CIO
You get the picture.