Licensing alternative
Thomas Wentworth wrote:
Just take a moment to consider what and where the license money that
Commodore Long is so willing to throw away is going to go.
Boating safety? Nope.
Safe boating classes? Nope ,, take a look at the tobacco money.
Better harbors,, ? Nope
The money is going to go in some big fat ass's pocket.
Humm, so this is what I hear:
1) "Nobody has the right to tell me what to do."
I gues that is because your are one very smart person. Personally I
read the national electrical code, asked a few electricians a few
questions, and thumbed through a few How-to books before replacing the
old knob and tube wiring in my home. Did the same before doing the ac
and dc wiring on my boat. Personally I could care less if a few people
who know more about wiring tell me what to do. And I could care less
about the local residential electrical code. I just did it. Why? It
made since.
2) "We are not the government. We are powerless against all the
corrupt politicians. There is nothing we can do except sail off into
the sea were nobody can tell us what to do."
Funny I lived in a town of about 15,000 people for 13 years. I knew
the mayor by name, and a few of cops, and when my ex was getting her
mandatory EOW child visit and dating a dirt bag I just went over to the
county sheriff and asked if I should be worried about my 6 year old
daughter being in the same house with a dirt bag. The Sheriff ran the
boyfriend through NCIC and gave me the whole scoop. Yes, that is not
legal, but.....
A neighbor down the street went to a city council meeting and got some
bs city ordinance changed. Personally I believe if you do not like
something, change it and stop whining like some powerless pussy. You do
have balls don't you? Or are you just another limp dick standing
around raging that everyone is picking on you?
The Republikans with all their devote bible thumpers sure have changed
the US. So get off your ass and do something besides whine. The
Republikans have. And I think now more than ever we need to protect
what few rights the Republicaks have taken away.
Lets see, would you rather have a government require you to get better
gas milage or have a govenment listen to your phone converstions, bag
and grab your ass and wake up in east poland.
To quote a frog, it aint easy being green. But better that, than some
christian bible thumping president telling me I can't **** my wife in
the ass.
(the guy who said there's no such thing as a "sneeker waver" and "we
are the government." See a pattern yet?)