AIS ship data: everibody have seen this? - why do we use GPS to track buoys??
When GPS charting and AIS technology becomes mature the
mariner won't even have to update his charts. It will happen automatically
whenever he pilots his craft within range of a wireless coastguard
hot spot where his GPS navigation device automatically collects the
And let's hope they actually start discusssing the security risks associated
with this idea.
When the GPS chart becomes the universal
standard then all the buoys can be removed from the water and the charts
they are simply no longer required.
I sure hope not. Electronic devices fail and radio frequencies can be
jammed or interferred with. I'll take a good ol' paper chart and an actual
physical marker, thank you. While I agree that electronic charting is
*definitely* worth using it's not without issues.
(A brave new world eh?). Think of how much money could be saved?
Electronic charts will save as much money.
I doubt it. And when it comes to safety I'm not sure I'd even bother
arguing for 'saving'. Penny-wise, pound-foolish, more or less.