AIS ship data: everibody have seen this? - why do we use GPS to track buoys??
Thats what Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and data authentication is for.
Its clear that you don't understand these concepts either.
I'm quite familiar with PKI and the insecurities associated with it.
You shouldn't try to hide behind the group now that you have been shown to
not know much about what you are talking about. I see no one running to
aid or trying to defend your emotional statements. You are simply an old
geezer who jumps at the chance to declare how you love paper maps and
trust GPS because you don't understand GPS and now you are upset that I
dared to point out that fact.
You really are an arrogant one, aren't you?
It's not about not understanding GPS or liking charts instead of it. It's
about disagreeing with your blanket statements about GPS being a complete
replacement for them, in an exclusionary manner. All the rest of your
posting is just geared toward trying to shout down anyone that doesn't buy
into your delusional beliefs.
Only from old geezers who enjoy lecturing the rest of the world about how
smart they are and how map and compass is the "end-all, beat-all solution
for navigation" when the truth is that map and compass is all they learned
and all they are capable of knowing.
Were are you getting this whole 'geezer' issue from? What're you, a
teenager still living in your parent's basement? It's not about lecturing
anyone that paper and buoys are "better". More than binary arguments about
one OR the other are ill-conceived.