AIS ship data: everibody have seen this? - why do we use GPS to track buoys??
"Bill Kearney" wrote in message
I'm quite familiar with PKI and the insecurities associated with it.
No. You are not. If you were then you would have mentioned it in your
response. Nice try at pretending you are smart but sorry, no cigar.
Ted, you're grasping at straws.
I was making the point that GPS navigation does not require buoys. Then you
jumped in and announced that buoys and paper maps in the sunlight are better
than GPS - a complete and total non sequitur. You clearly don't know much at
all about GPS but still felt the urgent need to jump in here and profess
your geezer loyalty to map and compass and buoy. It wouldn't be so pathetic
if a thousand geezers before you hadn't also tried to lecture the world
about how map and compass and buoy is the only safe way to navigate the
It's apparent you've got some sort of ego
trip you're trying to sustain. It's pathetic, you should seek help
this anti-social behavior.
You are projecting your own emotional issues upon others with the above
statement. Stay on topic and say something intelligent if you don't want to
be called to task.