On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 02:28:45 GMT, "Jason" wrote:
I already tried that. But thanks for being so kind, it's nice to know that a
newbe to boating can find that kind of help on a boat news group.
wrote in message
Jason wrote:
: Hey group,
: I was given a boat by a fellow who didn't want to put any time in it to
: it. But not knowing a heck of a lot about boats myself, I have a few
: questions. Can anyone give me some info on the boat and motor (below)?
: idea on year of boat and motor, HP ect? (haven't seen a title for it
: Boat: Jayhawk model J136 SER:90345
: Motor: Johnson Electramatic V4AL-16D SER:J2463596
: I was told the outboard was 75HP, but not sure.
: Thanks!
: Jason
Try this site for some info on the engine.
If nothing else, there seem to be some folks there who've heard of it!
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****