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Default With fuel prices soaring in the US..................

Harry Krause wrote:

Heheh. There's just no limit to the lengths some will go to rationalize
away the raping of the American public.

"Nothing is wrong; everything is wonderful. Those WMDs are just around
the corner."

Cool it, Harry. There is no correlation between observing that even a
doubling of fuel prices
won't price most people out of boating (unless they're looking for an
excuse not to boat) and
"rationalizing the raping of the American public". Everything isn't
political all the time.

I disdain the reckless profiteering and blatant greed that is driving
fuel prices these days as much as anybody, but it's too early to sound
the death knell for boating. In case you haven't noticed, prices this
time last year were already "double" or "triple" the prices of just a
few years ago and boat sales and usage have remained healthy. Yes,
there are some changes happening as a result of fuel pricing (I'd hate
to have a big inventory of twin big block gassers intended for sale to
the "working class" right about now), but there are a lot of ways to
have a splendid time on the water that don't have to involve running
around lickety-split all the time or burning 60 gph.