I have a considerable amount of pictures devoted to first sawing out
and later installing a vertical windlass with the business end on deck
and the power end below in the locker.
I'm sorry I can't directly point you to only those pictures, but if you
have high speed available, go to justpickone.org/skip/gallery and click
on M46Projects.
The installation stuff is all this year, in February and March, I
believe. The cutting out (also useful for views of the way it laid
out) are in the 5 or 6-06 galleries, I'm pretty sure, but if not,
surely in the 7-06 galleries.
Hope that helps. PS when you reply to a post, please trim the other
stuff :{)) I'm having to do this from my wife's account and see it in
digest form only, over someone else's account wifi, so it's
Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig KI4MPC
http://tinyurl.com/384p2 The vessel as Tehamana, as we bought her
" I went to the Sea because I wished to live deliberately .. to
confront only the essential facts of life .. and see if I could
not learn what it had to teach, and not .. when I came to die
discover that I had not lived" - Hendry David Thoreau "