Locating Air Horn near SSB whip antenna
Al Thomason wrote:
How concerned do I need to be about an Air Horn (Buell, 17/23") near a
SSB antenna? The location I am going to put the whip in has an air
horn perhaps 1' forward. Should I relocate the horn to the other
Thank you
I can foresee two possible issues. The first is that the air horn might
interfere with the SWR of the antenna or have an effect on its radiation
pattern. Personally I wouldn't be all that worried... there's tons of
stuff on a boat that has the potential to cause those problems. I doubt
if a horn will make that much of a difference.
The second issue has to do with RFI. I would not be surprised at all if
while transmitting with the ssb antenna you generate all sorts of noise
coming out of the horn. However, that can happen regardless of where on
the boat you place the horn. If it becomes annoying you can always try
to filter out the noise at the horn side.