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Default With fuel prices soaring in the US..................

JimH wrote:

Can you say 'Jimmy Carter'?

Yes, and usually without stuttering. Maybe the best human being, but
among the most ineffective politicians, ever to assume the office of

I clearly remember the first time I ever saw $1/gallon gas prices. In
fact, when the prices first hit $1 it represented almost a quadrupling
of prices since the party in the WH at that time assumed office. I
always thought you were old enough to have been an adult during the
years prior to Carter taking office, and if you are and if you wrack
your memory you'll
recall images of "gas lines" that snaked around city blocks, rationing,
and fuel prices that sometimes went up by the hour from that same era.

I'd sure like to see those days of 25-cent gasoline return. Of course
I'd like a gallon of ice cream or some glassware thrown in every time I
fill up as well. At my 25-cent price, I shouldn't have to get my hands
dirty pumping gas or checking oil nor should I have to tip the
attendent. In addition, I'd like my windshield cleaned and as long as
I'm wishing the windshield cleaner might as well be a shapely young
woman who will be visually interesting as she reaches to the center of
the glass. (When I arrive in Hell, I intend to ask for a drink of

But on the other hand, would I rather earn what I make today and pay
$3-4 a gallon at the pump or go back to the wages I earned in the late
60's and early 70's and buy gas for 25-cents? No contest, I'll stick
with the current equation. :-)