Boat Engine Rebuild Story -- Deal Gone Sour -- And a Question...Escrow??
jabadoodle wrote:
wrote in message
Well, at least he had the decency of telling you he was headed south
instead of taking the money and totally running.
Yep. I think he's basically a good guy and probably a great machinist. He
intend harm. We've found out that various things (like a divorce and lost
has happened to him). These may or may not be his fault to various degrees.
as I said, he's probabaly a good guy just in a bad place.
Been there before. Sometimes life can deal a very ugly hand thats out
of your control.
Now, on the bright side. IF he is trustworthy, (I'm being optomistic)
and he would like to prove himself. it's possible he could find you a
good engine from a wrecked craft in the Delta area.