Garmin Gps/Plotters already supporting AIS?
You wrote:
In article yTr1g.367$PL2.330@dukeread03, brad
Pascal wrote:
Hi Brad,
You are rigth; I have donloaded today the updated mannuals of
GpsMap3005/3010/3205/498 and the AIS support is there.
It seems prety basic yet: there is a new option in the NMEA/IN/OUT for
High Speed (38400) and a AIS Tab in Map Page to select the zoom scale
to AIS targets appears. The mannual says it diplays MMSI, Ships
position, course and speed . I have not seen any option to alarms, but
seems that we can set the heading line of the sips (?) on time or
Can you posy here your tests rsults asap?
Sorry for the delay. First, I did confirm with Garmin that the release
notes that are published with their upgrades are sketchy at best.
Second, I was wrong about version numbers. It looks as AIS is supported
in v4.1 and above. I'm now running v4.2
I'm using the black box AIS receiver from Nobeltec (probably OEMed). I
have the whole thing hooked up, but so far I havent seen anything show
up on the display. My boat's not yet in the water, so it may just be
that nothing interesting has come in range.
My next step is to connect the output of the AIS box to the onboard
laptop's serial port and take a look at the data stream. It may be that
I have the box wired incorrectly, or that there is something wrong with
the box. At least with the laptop I can fire up hyperterminal and take
a look at the raw data.
I'll see what I find!
Maybe you should just listen to the appropriate frequencies and see
if you can actually heaer any of the transmissions, to determine if
your AIS receiver is actually hearing anything.......
Also an excellent idea, and quicker. No soldering!