Changing VHF antenna location...?
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Changing VHF antenna location...?
(GregS) wrote in
This was a 2 meter superregen rig, mabe by Heathkit, not
sure. They talked about talking out over one of the Great Lakes I
always think of this. Of course, heat and cold air over the lake do
wonderfull things.
We call them the "Lunchbox" because Heath's cabinet looked like a kid's
metal lunchbox...which also makes a great homebrew cabinet..(c;
Not sure how many I built from the time I was 11. People used to bring me
Heathkits and pay me to build them all through middle and high school. The
reel-to-reel tape recorder Heath had as a kit was a real challenge....
They also made lunchbox CB regen sets. They'd only transmit on one channel
from the xtal plug on the front of it, but we kept the xtals on the desk
Ahhh...the incessant hiss of a sensitive regen receiver waiting for 6 meter
AM to open up in the middle of the night (1957 was a great sunspot maximum,
an all-time record. Great time to get your first ham license, like I did!)
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