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Default Very Cool AIS Live Site

"Pascal" wrote in news:1145569957.474647.246570

Fantastic realtime AIS of the Irish Sea. I'm watching:
Name: Norbank H P
Callsign: PGIS
MMSI: 246213000
IMO: 9056583
Status: Underway
Dest: Liverpool Dublin VV
ETA: Apr21 06:30
Type: Passenger Haz A
Speed/Dir: 20.4 kts / 279
Size: 167m x 29m x 5.8m
Received: 01:13:35 21 Apr 06

headed out of Liverpool across the Irish sea at midnight. Looks like
many passengers are asleep. Can't quite make out the helmsman until we
have a better satellite pass from a different direction at 0143 Local...

Thank you, Pascal, for sharing these amazing websites.

I'm trying to get a group together to provide this kind of service for
Charleston Harbor and the offshore of South Carolina. There's a 500
meter TV tower just north of the city we have a ham radio 147.300+ 2
meter repeater on at the 450 meter level on a platform way up there. It
would be a wonderful place to have an AIS live receiver on SE side of the
tower. We'd see all AIS traffic for 150km to sea from there. I know the
TV stations, 3 of them plus a lot of FM radio transmitters along the tall
tower, have broadband internet at the base of it. It would be a fantastic
place for an AIS live site.

Well, our RO-RO ferry has increased speed as she leaves the banks off
Liverpool in the dark. She's over 20 knots, now. Arrival is 0630, just
in time for tea and a little breakfast in Belfast...(c;

Keep posting what you find! Thanks!