If you go on eBay and do a search for '7 VGA monitor', you will come up with
many 7" monitors that may suit you. These are not waterproof, but they are
touchscreen which allows for remote control of laptop and could perhaps be
protected with a plastic cover in bad weather. They are relatively
inexpensive. Here is one typical auction:
http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Lilliput-7-T... QcmdZViewItem
I had been thinking about doing this myself, but now use my iPaq PPC with
Fugawi - It works well both on the boat and in the car and in bad weather I
just drop a ziploc bag over it.
A new product should be on the market soon - The so-called Ultra Mobile -
Samsung, Asus and others will have them. These units are bigger than an iPaq
but smaller than a laptop and ideal for mobile computing and GPS display.
Again, they won't be weatherproof, but as with the iPaq, should be easily
protected in bad weather with plastic cover or just put it down below or on
a bracket?
Good Luck!
"DPFresh" wrote in message
Hi all, different topic. SO in setting up my nav center - Dell laptop
SeaClear software... I want to keep the laptop in the cabin so as to
exposing it to elements... So I was thinking I could find some sort of
waterproof external monitor to run from the laptop to outside the boat
the tiller.... Does anyone know of such a monitor for this purpose?