"Général Électrique" wrote in message
.. .
Can someone tell me if I can do this.
I want to connect AIS receiver SR 161 Version 1.2E
RS232 38400 bauds serial port, Data bit :8,Parity:none,Stop bits:1
(pin3=in, pin5=gnd,pin2=out)
TO: ShipModul Miniplex- 41USB NMEA-0183 multiplexer
My ThinkPad have USB port only
You cannot do that, the inputs of the MiniPlex-41USB are all fixed to 4800
What you can do is to use a MiniPlex-Lite. This multiplexer has one
autosensing input, that automatically switches between 4800 and 38400.
I see you are from Canada, you might contact our Canadian distributor
www.wiredboat.com. They should stock them.
The CP175C Chart plotter can show coordinate of DSC
Do you think the Chart plotter do the same with AIS ?
I don't know the answer to that.