Hi Everette,
Youre welcome to ask all the DAQ's you like. And I am certain they will be answered for you. However, please refrain from using attachments. Including, bad music and background images. Its considered good nettiquite to only use a white b/g with black text and no attachments. Oh and top posting is still being argued about on newsgroups everywhere.
I just googled Bristol 19s and came up with the "Bristol Corrinthian". I take it they are the same boat?
http://members.aol.com/bristolyht/br...bristol19.html http://www.sailboatlistings.com/sail...3/P1010612.jpg
"Everett Ingalls" wrote in message ...
Hi Folks;
I bought a lovingly used Bristol 19 this past fall. I have
owned a Lightning and a Star and have some sailing experience. I live
in the Finger Lakes region of upstate NY. A beautiful region with lots
of water. If you guys have no objection I would like to hang out here
and innundate you with DAQ's.
Fair winds. Everett
If we only did the important things in life
their would be a shortage of sailboats.