Thread: VHF Review
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Bob Crantz
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Default VHF Review

"Capt. Rob" wrote in message
The Standard Horizon transmits with 5% distortion! Read the spec! And
it's perfectly clear to an "audiophile"!

Distortion measurements seek maximum, not average or typical. Some of
the finest pre-amps ever made had 3-5% distortion. Of course, for
simple voice transmission 5% means nothing. This just proves you know
nothing about radios except what you're googling. Do you know what that
distortion is or where it lies, the frequencies it's more likely to
effect? Of course you don't.

That's transmitter distortion. It's a measure of the linearity of a variable
reactance modulator. The maximum frequency deviation is a constant 5 KHz by
Federal Regulations. The distortion is probably from trying to modulate a
dual modulus pre-scaled synthesized signal by applying the modulating
voltage to a hyperabrupt varactor tuning diode incorporated into the voltage
controlled oscillator. One problem is that the voltage signal works against
the control loop error signal and another problem is the inherent non
linearity of the 1/(LC)^0.5 tuning of the hyperabrupt varactor diode. The
control loop bandwidth must be less than the lower cutoff of audio bandwidth
so the modulating and loop error signal do not cancel. In fact, the class C
amplifier used to amplify the modulated RF signal introduces distortion of
less than 0.1% into the signal. That's because it is a saturating zero
crossing amplifer, not a envelope amplifier.

Why on earth are you comparing a audio frequency pre amplifier circuit to a
150 MHz RF FM modulator?

Yes! The coating affects circuit performance, especially in RF
It's better to put the circuit in a hermetic, waterproof housing
without any
board coating. Not a true commercial radio!

Well then, Icom is screwing up because they use coated boards, just
like every other maker. Ooops!

The secret is in the coating of the boards! Something of which you know
nothing! I've seen lots of maritime radios with no coating on the boards.

But what about the IC-M602? It outperforms your rig hands down.

No, it doesn't. It performs at the level for which it was designed. The
top end Standard (more expensive) is also designed to perform at it's
specific level. My radio is certainly better than most. Let's be
honest. Most people pay 100-150 bucks for el-cheapo Icom gear (and
guess what about those waterproof claims?). I got the real deal at

Read the measured performance specs on the radios. That ICOM uses 20% lower
power in receive, has much better adjacent channel rejection, less
distortion, lower spurious response, better IP3, uses 3 RAM+ sets, smaller
RAM+ sets, meets JIS grade 7 waterproof , has a second receiver that is on
continuously, hand full weather band coverage, much sharper spectral

You haven't answered the question about your display! Is it adjustable?

you tested it for night blindness? It's the "biggest", "Most visible"
display on the market! You don't even know how it works!

One of the best displays on the market, it has not only lighting
control, but also contrast settings! It can also be toggled off.

Every radio has that. The IC-M602 is even better!

Oh, Bob!!! You didn't google very well!!!!!

Why don't you do a little Googling to find the difference between an RF
modulator and an audio pre amp?
