On Wed, 03 May 2006 08:42:14 -0400, Harry Krause
Doug Kanter wrote:
"JohnH" wrote in message
I forgot to include an important piece of this puzzle. Person B's spouse
works almost as many hours, so the kids are in day care a lot. Unless you
want your kids in a **** hole of a day care center, do you have any idea
what it costs?
You mean to tell me that person B, (legal or illegal), has no education,
working 90 hours/week, making $5.55 hr, is producing babies on top of it?
Am I supposed to feel sorry for stupidity?
Did person B work Monday, or was he out marching to get more illegals into
the country?
John H
Ah....the recorded response.
There are many people in this country who just have no understanding of
or compassion for the plight of the working poor, and don't want any.
It's always been that way and it always will be. I used to have
compassion for the stupidity of these arrogant, unfeeling nincompoops,
but no more.
You know any people like that, Doug? I've known a few, but none are
among my friends or people with whom I would socialize, even informally.
It would appear that anyone in favor of illegal immigration or amnesty has
no compassion for the plight of the working poor.
Speaking of compassion....a donation to the Koman Breast Cancer Foundation
would probably be of great benefit to the working poor who get diagnosed
with breast cancer.
As I'm sure you're reading this thread, and as you've said nothing one way
or the other, I'll mention again...I'll triple the donation you make
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****