Big Boat Business Has Been Brisk
On Thu, 04 May 2006 12:03:00 -0400, Harry Krause
JohnH wrote:
On Thu, 04 May 2006 11:27:19 -0400, Harry Krause
Ignatius Thistlewhite wrote:
You wrote:
Ignatius Thistlewhite wrote:
You wrote:
JimH wrote:
If there is a will there is a way. It depends on how motivated the
person is to succeed in life.
Excuses are easy.
If that were REALLY the case, then why aren't you as rich as Bill
Isn't the liberal concept of "success" more rooted in saving the snail
darter than something as tawdry as money?
The liberal concept of success involves making sure there is room for
everyone on the train leading to it.
Such a statement contradicts Mr. Bass Kisser, since it is impossible for
everyone to be as rich as Bill Gates. Unless of course, your goal is to
bring Gates down to others' level rather than lifting others up to his.
If this really is how you think, then you ought to check it for a brain
scan, because your synapses aren't firing properly.
Why not explain your position, rather than make personal attacks, Harry?
Or, has your position already been run off the tracks?
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****
It's a simple concept, and shouldn't need any explanation.
Let's put it in terms of something even simpler.
Let's say I have to see a doctor because of a symptom that is annoying me.
He accommodates me the next day, at 9:30 AM.
Instead of going to work that morning, I show up at his office at 9:15
AM. I am shown in at 9:35, he checks me out, writes an Rx, and his front
office calls it in for me.
I pay my $10 co-pay, am on the road, and am at work at 10:30. I am not
docked a nickel, nor do I have to put in for any sort of medical leave.
On the way home, I pick up my Rx, pay the $10 co-pay and I am on my way.
Mrs. Immigrant from Mexico, who is trying to get aboard the train, so
far has only been able to wangle a job at Wal-Mart. Her employer,
despite the claims in its TV commercials, provides no health insurance.
She calls the doctor on her lunch period. Her doctor handles mostly
indigients and the office says she can't been seen for at least a week,
and at 1:30 in the afternoon. To get there, she'll have to take two
buses and leave at 8 AM. She has to take an entire day off from work,
and receives no pay for that day.
The doctor tells her she has a condition that will require her to take
two different prescriptions a day because she has a chronic condition.
The two meds will cost her $357 a month or, if she is really lucky, one
of them may be on a list an Rx manufacturer provides at little or no
cost for indigent patients. But she has to see her doctor every two
months for a renewal. Another day of pay lost.
She has one child at home. Day care. Fortunately, her husband also
works, though at low wages, and they struggle. And struggle. And every
time they seem to get a bit ahead, they get hit with something else.
These hard-working people need a little help getting on the train, so
they can travel on the road to success. If we don't slow down the train
a little and help them climb aboard, they may never make. They need a
better way to get health care, one that isn't so expensive or difficult
to get to or that costs her a day of wages.
Because if they don't make it, we don't make it.
We're not talking riches here. We're talking a reasonable life style,
with some sort of decent future for hard working people and their kids
and, in this case, a reasonable way to access medical care for the family.
I sure as hell don't mind helping them. Money spent on them to help them
along is surely better than pouring money into the cesspool of Iraq.
We've got to make room on the train for these folks.
Harry, you make it sound as though your backgrounds were the same. Did
these immigrants (illegal, I assume), have a high school education,
followed by some college? Did they choose not to get educated, whereas you
chose to get educated?
They're on the brink of financial disaster, yet they're making babies. Wise
choice? What's different between these immigrants and your grandparents?
Just for the hell of it, how much money do you think the government should
give them every year?
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****