Leonard wrote:
Thanks for the insite. My wife decided we need a Jabsco "Quiet Flush"
in the master cabin. We will also install a Raritan "PH-II
Electric/Manual" in the guest head.
You won't like the PHE II. The manual PH II is one of the best manual
toilets made...but adding a motor turns it into a very poor excuse for
an electric toilet. The motor does nothing but replace the pump
handle...it pumps a lot faster and with a lot shorter stroke than
pumping manually. That means it takes longer to prime, resulting in
increased dry friction wear to the rubber parts in the pump, requiring
frequent rebuilds. The faster shorter stroke also causes it to "choke"
on flushes that slower more deliberate pumping manually could push
through easily.
And it's not a matter of deciding to pump manually this time, push the
button next time...it requires a bit of doing to disconnect the motor
and rever to manual...and vice versa. I can't count the number people
I've known who've gotten so fed up with it that they've taken the motor
off and put the pump handle back on.
So if you think you'll ever need a manual toilet, install a manual
toilet. Don't try to have it both ways.
And fwiw, the Raritan SeaEra is a FAR more durable reliable electric
macerating toilet for less $$ than the Jabsco.
Btw...the only electric toilets that are actually quiet are electric
toilets designed to use onboard pressurized flush water. A so-called
"quiet flush" that uses raw water will NOT be quiet, because contrary to
what most people believe, it's not the discharge pump and macerator than
make all the noise, it's the raw water intake pump.
Do NOT try to solve the problem by connecting any toilet designed to use
raw water to your fresh water supply. That cannot be done without risk
of polluting your potable water supply with e-coli, damage to the
toilet, or both...and every toilet mfr specifically warns against it in
their installation instructions.
I can't find any conversion system for the Jabsco, but the downstream
idea should work fine.
No, it won't...'cuz the Lavac is designed completely differently from
any other toilets. It cannot be done with a Jabsco or any other
piston/cylinder manual toilet.
People have tried installing a discharge macerator pump downstream of
piston/cylinder manual toilets to "convert" 'em to electric, but it
doesn't work...'cuz the macerator pulls 12 gal/minute, which is far more
than can be pumped manually and results in repeated fried impellers in
the macerator pump. The toilet must also be pumped manually to supply
any flush water. So you'd have to pump, turn the macerator pump on for a
few seconds...pump some more...turn the pump on again. Or spend half
your time mopping up the head and repairing the macerator pump.
Peggie Hall
Specializing in marine sanitation since 1987
Author "Get Rid of Boat Odors - A Guide To Marine Sanitation Systems and
Other Sources of Aggravation and Odor"