Bilge cleaner
"Dennis Pogson" wrote:
Gogarty wrote:
Can yu sue Simple Green as a bilge cleaner? Just pour it in full
strength and let it slosh around for a few days, then pump it
overboard? What do $50/gal bilge cleaners do that Simple Green won't?
I would advise against suing them. These companies can muster some very
expensive legal suppor, and if you lose, bankruptcy could follow.
Simple Green used to have a different formulation in Canada than in
the USA. So check and see what's in it.
You shouldn't pump emulsified oil overboard and that's what soap will
do to it. We've got an oil water separator that we use to be sure
that no oil goes overboard.
When we shock the tanks, the water that is drained from the tanks
afterwards goes into the bilge and is then pumped overboard. It
cleans up all the mold and mildew in the waterlines and in the bilge
too. It isn't clean enough to eat food that drops into there, but I
don't know why you'd want to do that anyway.