OT - Another prediction comes to pass!
On Sat, 13 May 2006 16:16:27 -0400, John Gaquin wrote:
Great idea, Harry. Institute a system where the existence of the national
government is subject to the whims of public opinion on any popular issue
of the day. We already have a press that publishes only what they want
the public to read. Couple that with your proposal, and you have a system
wherein the press will be empowered to dictate a change of governments.
Where do you hide to dream this stuff up??
I'm not one to mess with our system. Long term systems may have their
faults, but they also provide a stability. However, Harry didn't dream
this up, it's called active or participatory democracy, as opposed to our
passive model. For an example, look south towards Venezuela. Remember
the recall election Chavez survived? That is an example of an active
Also, if you think the press can lead the population around by the nose,
you really don't have much faith in democracy, do you? It was James
Madison who said, "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people
who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power
which knowledge gives." In a democracy, pay attention, or . . .