purple_stars wrote:
ok, clearly i'm just not getting boston. i was able to get a beautiful
signal out of new orleans tonight on three different frequencies and
not a thing out of boston. and i could still get nova scotia too.
either boston is broken or .. who knows what else it could be lol.
i was even able to hear a boat checking in on 12.359 (atlantic net ?)
at about 8pm this evening (saturday 13 may) talking about their dog
jumping off the boat and swimming around in the ocean and how they had
to go over and get the dog when it gets too far away from the boat.
haha. i think they said they were a few days out of honduras, but i
also heard them mention grenada but i don't think that's where they
were. so anyway, if i'm picking up sailboats transmitting from the
caribbean on my radio i should surely, i think, be able to hear a 5kw
signal out of boston. especially since it's really 4 different
frequencies, i should be able to get one of them if it's working at