trouble with boston wefax ?
A stake driven into the ground is not a useful counterpoise for RF
signals... It only grounds you for static shocks, etc.. If your truck
is stationary then run a wire from the ground lug of the radio out the
window and lay it across the ground, bare wire or insulated either is
fine... About 40' long will do the job nicely... This is called a
radial wire... More than one radial wire running in different
directions will also improve things...
Also, as noted, a vertical wire in the city can be quite noisy on some
frequencies... Try running your antenna wire horizontal - head high is
fine, just hang it from the bushes, wood fence, whatever... You might
have both the vertical and horizontal wires hung up and switch between
them... Nothing like trying for yourself to see the differences at your
And, congratulations on working towards your ham license... BTW, when
you put the rig in autotune, you are transmitting... It is low power
and brief, so I don't have a problem with it... But tuning up on one of
the government WEFAX, whatever, frequencies will be frowned on if
noticed by the FCC... Best to be off frequency 10 kc before hitting
the tune button...
cheers ... denny