A question about NMEA, AIS and Raymarine
John Proctor wrote:
On 2006-05-16 11:36:48 +1000, "Pascal" said:
4)In this hypothesis, the output of the AP/Gyro would be routed
automatically via S1G to the C80/Radar /Plotter by SeaTalk? Could be
that this link is already working, since the AP is actually linked to
C80 by Seatalk?
With the caveat that radar overlay and MARPA will perform worse. The
reason that Raymarine installs have heading information sent both by
seatalk and NMEA to their chartplotter/radar combinations is that the
heading is only sent once per second on seatalk, whereas it is sent 10
times per second over the NMEA port. This means that the heading can be
synchronized during the radar scan.
Whether this is noticeable in practice depends on your boat (how quickly
it yaws), and expectation level.