Jim Hertvic - a liar...
On 15 May 2006 16:52:24 -0700, "Reginald P. Smithers"
My comments makes sense, and you have supported this from JohnH's first
post when you tried to "pressu" him not to promote his "team" Race
for the Cure. Wasn't that you who told him "enough already", you have
already gotten $3000 give it up already?
That sounds like someone whose only objective is to harass JohnH, and
really doesn't care about the cause.
I can't understand why JimH would say that I didn't match any rec.boats
contributions when he, himself, received a forwarded message confirming my
donation for *his* contribution. I even confirmed with him that he got it!
I can't understand why he's making his posts, unless he thinks it will
garner him some friends. I noticed he didn't argue with Don or Harry. Maybe
that's where he thinks his 'glory' will lie.
'Til next time,
John H
***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****