Jim Hertvic - a liar...
SamJenson wrote:
"basskisser" wrote in message
Remember what one of the experts that you were trying to dig up told
you? Here it is:
This is a rule of thumb with Cherokees, there are exceptions with some
And you call me a dummy? Why didn't you post the "experts" complete post?
Here's the full text-
"I did brakes and such for a long time professionally. I looked it up in my
Wagner book to confirm, just incase I'm getting foggy.1995 Jeep Cherokee
rear brake shoes, short shoe to the front, long shoe in the rear.This is a
rule of thumb with Cherokees, there are exceptions with some vehicles.Your
best bet is to do your vehicle correctly, and let the idiot foul his up.Keep
your rear brakes properly adjusted."
Funny, from this so-called expert, when in fact the Jeep was NEW when I
got it. Are you saying that the brakes were put in by the factory
incorrectly? Then how do you account for the fact that the parking
brake hardware is in fact hooked up correctly?
Lets look at some of the other responses from the experts-
"You are correct. The longer secondary shoe holds the parking brake
Never said that the longer shoe DIDN'T hold the parking brake hardware.
"There is a clear diagram in the Haynes Manual that labels the shoes and
shows the shorter lining on the front or primary shoe.
I could take a digital photo of the page and email it to you if you would
Okay. And (now THINK for a second) remember "there are exceptions."
These exeptions being different rear ends, etc.
I can also take a digital picture of the damned brakes on mine, which
makes me correct in any and all of my statements.
"The Haynes manual is a half decent book to have around, if only for things
like that and the torque specs. It is in the twenty dollar
range. Most auto parts stores sell them. If you had the book which shows
photos of the shoes as well as the diagram, that would fix his wagon.
Meanwhile I was bored so I got a couple blurry shots from the book and
posted them on alt.binaries.pictures.autos.4x4. They are soo blurry there is
no way you could be accused of photoshopping them. LOL!"
"Short shoe to the front."
Not on mine, again since brand new!
"If you think about this for a long time, you might convince yourself that
there is a reason for it. I tried, but I just didn't get it. I did notice
that when people put them on backwards, the short shoe wears out way too
They aren't on "backwards. Came from the factory like that. THIS is
what you are losing sight of.
Have any proof that you're right and *everyone* else is wrong?
sure, again, I can take a picture. Now, do you REALLY want to wager
enough for me to take the hub off and take a picture of them? I'm
willing, but not for peanuts. Let me know.