Jim Hertvic - a liar...
basskisser wrote:
Dan Krueger wrote:
SamJenson wrote:
"basskisser" wrote in message
I have changed the rear brakes on my Jeep three (3) times. I bought it
with 57 miles on it. I know how they were and still are. Next time I'll
take a picture to prove to you. I am not talking about anybody else's
vehicle, I'm talking about mine. Care to wager?
Because the brakes on *your* Jeep are on backwards proves nothing. Either
you, or the factory installed them backwards.
Yes, I will wager that your brakes are installed incorrectly and we will use
the manufacturers service manual as the final word.
Once you agree to the bet, we can both post our supporting documentation.
The loser sends $500 to JohnH to be donated to the Race for the cure in care
in his daughter's name.
$500 might be a stretch for someone who is complaining about brakes on
an 11 year old vehicle.
Dan, where was I "complaining about brakes" on my Jeep. I choose to
keep my vehicle. I love it. You should try a Jeep sometime. I've got a
friend who has a '76 CJ he might part with.
I've owned two. A '94 Jeep GC Laredo (6 cyl) and a '98 Jeep CG Limited
(8 cyl). They were both good vehicles but I prefer my current and last
SUV's over both of them.
I would rather pay to drive a new vehicle than keep an older car that is
far more likely to break down without warning with an expired warranty.