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Default Please help!!! Mercruiser 5.7 Not starting Please help!!!

On 19 May 2006 07:23:31 -0700, wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am a begginer with boats but have some experiance with cars...

Just bought a '96 bayliner ciera with a Mercruiser 5.7 litter 2 barrel
carb Thunderbolt 5 Ignition
The thing ran fine for a while, then wouldnt start when hot and
eventually now doesnt start at all.

It cranks, turns over but no signs of life. I am getting gas for sure,
can see it in the carb.
I already changed the spark plugs, wires, cap, rotor. No change.
There is voltage going to the coil and continuity throught the coil.

There is spark comming from the main ignition wire (visible if you
touch ground)
There is also spark comming off the ignition wires (when you touch

When it did run, it ran just fine and I didnt't touch anything, so I
doubt it's the timing..

SO I get gas, I get spark and nothing.... I am aware of the ignition
module/sensor and some kind of a changable ignition pick up sensor in
the distributor, but I have no idea how they work and wether they are
the problem. Me and my buddies are totally stuck. Anyone have any

Any help would be greatly appreciate it....

Thank you,


When mine did much the same thing, it turned out to be the coil. I could
see a spark at the plugs, but the spark was weak. Coils are not all that
'Til next time,

John H

***** Have a Spectacular Day! *****