Charles T. Low wrote:
Thank you, Rob,
This 1978 engine, Chrysler 318 V-8, is semi-electronic. Their are no points,
but there is a distributor. Does this change your advice at all?
Also, from the Car Talk article, I wonder about moisture coming up from
below (old worn parts ...). If so, the new cap might not solve the problem.
My plan is to wait and see (and try to remember always to open the engine
hatch just a hair before I leave the boat).
It seems most problems of this type I had was when the boat(inboard
Ford) was brought out of the cold, damp garage. I would run it on the
fake-a-lake on the trailer, while cleaning, prepping, & inspecting, and
it would run perfectly.
A 30 minute shutdown for a trip to the boat launch would render the
engine DOA at the ramp, the cap soaking on the underside. Dry it out,
and that was the last problem for the season aside from one points
adjustment mid-season(now eliminated with the Pertronix Ignitor).
I think the subsequent heat/cool & humidity cycles were uniform, and we
didn't get any more condensation under the cap for the season. Boat is
kept outside, full mooring cover, 4-5 days a week, & uncovered 2-3 days
a week for the summer.
I think the Chrysler Marine engines went electronic('73/'74) a year or
two after the cars did - ('72(340)/'73(remaining V-8s) - 1-2 years ahead
of Ford('74) & GM(''75)!).
Try the cap & base gasket, & check the spark/vent screen to be sure it's
Charles T. Low
"trainfan1" wrote in message
Charles, you don't mention what you've done with the points & condenser.
I'm assuming this is the Prestolite distributor?
Do not "make" a vent as outlined in the Click & Clack article. The
distributor is the ignition-protected variety and the housing itself
should have a screen, a vent if you wish, for flame suppression.
A good, new cap, base gasket, and the electronic conversion (I use Retro
Rockets to source the Pertronix units - Sierra also has them) should take
care of the problem except in extreme situations... it worked for me.