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Default Operation Iraqi FUBAR Continues

Please John, if you are going to take parts of a story to make a point, take
all of the section, not just the part that serves the right wing.

Here I shall be kind and show what you should have been showing when you

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Some Iraqi nuclear facilities appear to be unguarded,
and (John snipped from here to get)

...... radioactive materials are being taken out of the country,
the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency reported after reviewing satellite
images and equipment that has turned up in European scrapyards.

The United Sattes has virtually cut off information-sharing with the IAEA
since invading Iraq in March 2002 on the premise that the country was hiding
weapons of mass destruction.

No such weapons have been found, and
(John snipped from here to get)

.....arms control officials now worry
the war and its chaotic aftermath may have increased chances that
terrorists could get their hands on materials

(John snipped from here and caused you to miss)

used for unconventional weapons or that civilians may be unknowingly exposed
to radioactive materials.

According to ElBaradei's letter, satellite imagery shows ``extensive
removal of equipment and in some instances, removal of entire
buildings,'' in Iraq.

In addition, ``large quanitities of scrap, some of it contaminated, have
been transfered out of Iraq from sites'' previously monitored by the


In January, the IAEA confirmed that Iraq was the likely source of
radioactive material known as yellowcake that was found in a shipment of
scrap metal at Rotterdam harbor.

(John then snipped from here causing you to miss)
Yellowcake, or uranium oxide, could be used to build a nuclear weapon,
although it would take tons of the substance refined with sophisticated
technology to harvest enough uranium for a single bomb.

The yellowcake in the shipment was natural uranium ore which probably came
from a known mine in Iraq that was active before the 1991 Gulf War.

The yellowcake was uncovered Dec. 16 by Rotterdam-based scrap metal company
Jewometaal, which had received it in a shipment of scrap metal from a dealer
in Jordan.