Prop choice: 12 or 13
RCE wrote:
"Forrest" wrote in message
I can't picture an aluminum prop continuously flexing without breaking. A
good one for "Mithbusters". What are you using the boat for? Do you want
to zoom from one side of the lake to the other as fast as you can ... or
pull the kids around on a sled or a skier ... maybe tow a dingy? I would
just stick with the cheaper aluminum and increase the pitch. How much
depends on the above. Good luck
Better stay out of airplanes. Those aluminum wings flex big time. If they
didn't, the wings would break off the first time the plane hit some
Metal will flex without breaking as long as it does not exceed it's yield
strength. The yield strength of aluminum alloys is similar to that of
carbon and stainless steel.
I don't see many die cast or sand cast airplane wings up here in the
north country...