SeaClear CPA/TCPA Sound Alarm
Pascal wrote:
Thank You ,
Today I finally could hear the audible CPA alarm on SeaClear.
As the 2 portable Gps I have (GpsMap 76 and Gpsmap 276) work only with
NMEA 183 version 2.0 and up, I have taked off the boat my old Garmin
GpsMap 130 and bring it to Home. The GpsMap 130 allows to set NMEA
183 to Version 1.5, and with this version, the "Position Invalid Bit"
is not set when in simulation mode, and so, the SeaClear software
believes that the Gps position is valid, even when using the gps in
simulation mode. The alarm sounds very high and clear, so I am ready
now to use it with confidence in the boat.
I will offer you £10 (English Pounds) for your GPSMap76 and your GPSMap276
as they are no longer any use to you. Will you pay the shipping to the UK?