Changing VHF antenna location...? line of sight calculator web page
Wayne.B wrote in
boats looking for dock space
Boats looking for dock space need to use the TELEPHONE in their pockets.
Channel 16...or 68 or 69 isn't their private sales channel. Their phone
numbers are located in the various cruise guides. Talk to them as long as
you like.
I caught a boat dealer at an in-the-water boatshow on Channel 72 using
marine walkies for their business. FCC agreed they didn't need to use
marine radio to sell boats, and told them so in the NAL FCC sent them...(c;
I wouldn't have called FCC had the ******* not ****ed at me for asking why
he wasn't using his cellphones or even Family Radio Service walkies at the
show. Talking him off marine radio wasn't possible with such arrogance in
the way. FCC seems to have changed his mind.