Thread: Sail Report
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Capt. Rob
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Default Sail Report

What a slow to my friend's boat at 7:00 am, but there was
not a whisper of wind. The water was so flat it looked like well buffed
tile. Because of the lighning strike, nothing was working. I started
the engine and the alternator started to smoke, so that was a no-go. We
went back to my yard and I took the tow-boat (a big Boston Whaler with
a post bolted in) back for a slow tow back in.
By the time we had the boat up in the slings, we were all hot and the
humidity was nasty to boot. Winds were still non-existant, but a few
boats were out ghosting along as best they could.
So that was it....back to the cool apartment and we'll hope for nicer
weather for the week. At least I was out on the water for a few hours
doing the tow.
Meanwhile, there was no damage to my friend's bottom, but half of the
electronics were out and the other half were marginal/intermitint when
we bypassed the harness.

Happy Memorial Day, folks!
