Thread: Sail Report
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Default Sail Report

You are one of a kind, Thom, from a unique generation. I was raised by that
generation. I had four uncles who served in the big one and most of the
family was involved in war support in one form or another. They loved their
country and were grateful to their government. I was raised to respect,
trust, and support the country. I too was in the Navy. A Vietnam volunteer.
Went to college on the GI bill, bought my first house with a VA loan. But,
I'm sorry to say, I have little respect for what our government has become,
and feel little if any gratitude. Things are so different now. It's not
the same country.

"Thom Stewart" wrote in message
Memorial Day;----Thank You USA

My ar; World war 2. A Kid 17 years old went in the Navy in the
War. 1944. Came out age 20. Lost friends. A lot of good friends but I
was Lucky.

My Country didn't forget us. It didn't forget me.

I went to College on the G.I. Bill, which I would never have been able
to do on my own,

Got a Job with Atlantic Refining Company, in Philadelphia because of my
College Degree.

Met and married a Philly Girl and brought a Levittown House with a GI
Mortgage. Raised two Kids with the woman I loved.

I've had a great life because Uncle Sam Remembered ME,

Memorial Day is a day That I remember what MY COUNTRY has done for ME.

I remember what the US did for the World with the Truman Doctrine &
Marshall Plan. When I pay my Taxes I remember it as a commitment to
those Buddies that never had the chance to rebuild the Free World

I'm just about 80 now but I ;----REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR & I observer

Thanks Guys and Thanks Uncle Sam