Holy mackeral Andy!
JimH wrote:
We returned home a couple of hours ago from a great day on the boat (just my
wife and me) after having a wonderful holiday weekend with my son and
daughter (she came home from college this weekend, my son graduated from
high school with the commencement/graduation services yesterday). My son
spent the day with his friends and my daughter drove back to OUST to start
studying for finals.
This is only the 3rd time I have been on the computer (and in this NG) all
weekend long, yet despite that fact it looks like the flame wars and fights
continued here each and every day. And to think some of you blamed me for
that sort of BS.
And aside from jps' blatant and inconsiderate troll and a feeble
attempt by a couple of equally feeble posters to take a shot at Harry,
there was a higher than usual amount of on-topic stuff and a lower than
usual amount of personal animosity exchanged among posters.
HS graduation is a milestone. Is that son your youngest kid?