I plead guilty. Between working on the boat and trying to make money to pay
for it I don't have time to work on the web site. Amazingly I have gathered
up just about everything I need to finish except a pair of Harken 53s. If
I can keep my ass in gear I can be finished by September. The problem is
keeping my ass in gear. :-)
A quick update:
Engine is installed with all the drive train back to the prop.
Reverso oil change pump installed.
Fuel system installed.
Electrical work complete
Refrigeration almost complete (holding off on the vacuum panels until the
last minute.)
Plumbing is complete except for setting the two Altantes heads.
Water maker installed (less membranes again until last minute)
Cabin top faired and ready for primer.
Cockpit lockers complete,
Propane locker complete.
Steering sheaves set.
Sugar Scoop lockers complete
Transom shower, shore power, shore water and telephone/cable connections
installed. (but not bedded pending paint)
Companionway hatch complete
Custom anchor roller/bow fitting complete
Remaining major projects:
Teak side decks. (Knees hurting in anticipation)
Paint topsides
Cast keel fin (everything on hand and ready except my intestinal fortitude)
Gawd awful lot of interior sanding and varnishing.
But at 3AM I am heading for the BVI to remind myself why I am doing this.
Glenn Ashmore
I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division:
"Shane" wrote in message
It's been years since I've heard anything about Glenn Ashmore's RUTU.
I keep going to the site hoping to see an update but always...that last
update says 4/12/04.
Today though, I find the old rec.boats.building I used to be a member
of so many years ago. A handful of computer crashes and hard drive
rebuilds pulled me away for the last few years but I'm glad to be back.
I see it wasn't RUTU's progress that stalled but instead the website's.
Until I can see how she's progressed since 04, Glenn, cheers for
sticking with it. I'm sincerely glad that despite all the changes in
the world, your commitment to spending a fair share of your kid's
inheritance has gone unwavered.