How to configure E-80 so boat speed does not matter ?
I don't belive that you need boatspeed for the MARPA, just
a heading data. If one of the E's is connected to other SeaTalk
instruments and you have the SeaTalkHS (=ethernet) cable
connected between your two E's and if you get the radar image and/or
chart image transfered from one E to the other E you should also get
whatever regular SeaTalk data on both displays.
The display set as data master would be the display with the radar antenna
connected and also this display would be the one that is interfaced to the
"outside world". The other E display would not need anything else than
power and SeaTalkHS (=ethernet). This configuration requires the master
E to be turned on if you want to use your slave, since any waypoint made
on the slave goes out via the data master to the SeaTalk bus.
For extra safety on a yacht equipped with Raymarine sailing instruments,
Raymarine GPS and Raymarine autopilot it is wise to connect SeaTalk to
both/all E displays. This way one can set either display as data master if
one of the would fail. Meaning that you still get SeaTalk GPS data in to
one of your E's and also can drive the pilot from one of your E's, even
if the other is broken. Only one E at a time can be set as data master and
it is throug the master the E's speak to other SeaTalk equipment.
"b393capt" wrote in message
I have dual E-80's. One at the helm and the other at the nav station.
My Raymarine E-80 isn't receiving boat speed & wind information from my
other Raymarine instruments. Some of the E-80 functions are effected,
such as MARPA.
It's not practical to chase down wiring issues for a few weeks at
1) Is there a quick fix to tell my E-80 to use SOG (from GPS) instead ?
2) Is there a way to get my E-80 to display traffic it see's on the bus
connected to my other instruments ?