Move Boat or Sell It?
boomerswims wrote:
In reply to what Bob wrote.
I never said I knew... I said "would probably", which means I don't
know exactly.... Majority of ...There is a reason for that.... not the easiest waters to be on.... At least my husband attempted... A lot of people can't....Majority of people who sail ....
Way too many qualifiers in your language for my liking. It's an
unethical strategy used by people to sound important, knowledgeable,
and authoritative when actually the speaker is lacking credibility.
This strategy is used primarily by "know-it-alls" and other pompous
I would really appreciate it if you no longer made comments of our lack to get our
boat to CA.
Sorry honey, I aint your husband. Go bark up some other tree.
It is not an easy sail back. Especially during
the winter months.
This statement alone will sever as my example. Here you make a claim as
if you have some personal knowledge of HI-CA voyages, and by your own
words “... especially in winter months.…� If you dohave that
type of experience seems to me you would just thumb through your World
Cruising Routes: 5th Edition by Jimmy Cornell and check out the Ocean
Prediction Center weather fax for the area, that is, since you have
lead these readers to think that you have personal knowledge of winter
passages from HI to CA.
I just took a look at the OPC latest and looks pretty good. Three big
STNRY 1022 Mb H sitting below the 30N line. Looks like 10-25 K 270
degrees seas 2-3 M along the 35N line.
Hey, down wind sailing most the wayï?Š Tell your husband to go for
it,,,,, that is if he isn't to bussy at the store buying your tampons
and fretting over the laundry he has to fold for you.
Since you do not want me to respond to your post. I have a polite
request for you:
I would really appreciate it if you no longer make comments about my
Bad Mood Bob