Mys Terry wrote:
It isn't so marked on the latest version of chart 13217.
I have chart 13217 right in front of me, and it is clearly marked as a
restricted area. Go fish, troll.
Well, just out of curiosity I pulled up the copy of 13217 I downloaded from
NOAA a couple of months ago. Not marked restricted. So unless you've got a
more recently updated 13217, that's simply another lie.
That dashed line that marks out the entire harbor including the channel means
restricted, dumbass. Do you even have a boat?
Omigod! Terry now admits he doesn't know how to read a chart!
Please, for everyone's sake, enroll in a Power Squadron course before
you get in a boat again!
If anyone wants to check this, they can go to Chart No. 1 and download
Section N, areas and limits.
The simple dashed line implies "Maritime limit in general usually
implying: Permanent obstructions." In this particular context it is
simply the limit of the dredged harbor. The giveaway is the little
"see note" next to the "Old Harbor" label. The note describes the
controlling depth.