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Default Did you have to change your timing when installing pertronixignitor?

Thanks everyone. I installed and it ran fine, reset timing to 6 degrees
at idle. Which brings me to my next question- what rpm should I be
turning when setting timing to 6 degrees?
My cars in the past have specified ZZ degrees BTDC @ XXX rpms but all I
can find in my clymer book and on the web is '6 degrees BTDC' for my
engine. I've verified the advance works so setting it at 6 @700rpm means
I'm at 10+ @1000 rpms so the rpm's matter. Thanks guys for the responses.

Tim wrote:
from what I gather, the Pertronix kit WILL through your timing off.
SO... yuuo install the kit, then re-time back to factory spec., and all
shoud be well...

chris wrote:

I'm installing a pertronix ignitor and coil in my 165 mercruiser (250 ci
straight 6 chevy). For those of you with experience with pertronix, did
your target timing setting change? I set my engine to 6 degrees BTDC
now, but am wondering if I need to set it to 8 degrees BTDC or more with
the pertronix installed. Any info would be appreciated. thanks! Chris