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Capt. Rob
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Default experts opinion today

jlrogers±³© wrote:
One interesting quirk of the sedona van is the oil filter. Kia uses a remote
oil filter that is a cartridge with two O rings to seal the filter in the
housing. If the lower O ring is not seated properly engine damage may/will
result (kia's language). So when the 17 year old lube tech changes your
oil, he will be dealing with an oil filter that is non standard, and
requires mechanical knowledge to prevent leakage/engine damage. The
cartridges are obviously only available at a kia dealership and are very


Poor oil changes for 5 years via Kia service....longer
than we'll own the van!

Oops! You missed the big Sedona error...improper front strut install on
some early 2006 models. Has been corrected.
Not doing to well, eh?
